Frequently Asked Questions
What happens at a Faerie Gathering?
What is the cost and how do I pay?
What are the accommodations like?
Will I have to share a bed with someone I don’t know?
Are there scholarships available?
Who is coming to this gathering?
Should I worry if I have health concerns?

Q: Who Are the Faeries?
A: Faeries love nature, spirituality, honesty, being open hearted, sharing. We are mostly gay men.
Since 1979 faeries have been coming together in community to create magic. Faerie gatherings happen all over the world, mostly in the United States. Faeries came out of groups formed in the 1970s to bring gay men together in a spiritual space different from the bars and nightclubs. We come together to celebrate our distinctive and unique qualities and to let our true selves be free. Most of us are gay men, but we have had a queer woman attend our gathering. Ladyboys and toms are welcome. Anyone who is comfortable with gay people is welcome to join us.
The faeries are an opportunity to create abundance from our many talents and gifts. The faeries are also an opportunity to create a true classless society where no one is identified by their wealth or lack of wealth, and where no person has power or authority over another person.
Q. What happens at a Faerie Gathering?
The gathering is set up by volunteers and what happens is generally up to the participants. The only planned events are the Heart Circle, the Full Moon Ritual, and the Talent and Fashion Shows. Most days after breakfast we’ll gather under a shady tree on Mango Beach for morning circle where we speak from our hearts to the circle. After Heart Circle it’s up to the group as to what happens. If you wish to facilitate a ritual, a workshop, a meal or anything else you are welcome to do so.
The possibilities are endless and include: trips to nearby islands for snorkeling and swimming, meditation, exercise, hiking, rituals, workshops, community-building, making music, drumming, massage, Talent Show, Fashion Show, manly activities, swimming, boating, reading, poetry, puppy piles, napping, art projects, yoga …

Q. What is a Heart Circle?
The Heart Circle is one of the most important elements of Faerie Gatherings. It’s very simple and involves everyone sitting around in a circle. The circle has no head and no foot. There are no leaders, only participants. There is a talisman, a sacred object from the land or something someone brought, that is passed from person to person, from hand to hand. Each person who holds the talisman has the opportunity to speak to the circle from his heart. Whatever he is feeling in his heart, he can express to the circle. While he speaks the rest of the circle listens with an open heart. No one comments or interrupts. If you do not want to speak, just hold the talisman for a moment and pass it on, but feel the welcoming energy and love of the circle.
A Heart Circle can consist of 2 or 3 people or the entire gathering. It often starts with a small number, say 10, and grows as the energy blossoms. It can last 20 minutes or 4 hours, though most often we’ll finish around lunchtime. The Heart Circle is where we have a rare opportunity see each other’s souls and really learn about each other.
Q. When should I register?
A. We can accept registrations up to the last minute if space is available. The maximum number of participants that can be housed in the bungalows and hotel rooms is 25-30. Beyond that you can bring a tent or be housed in other bungalows on the island and commute to the main gathering site. We might be able to provide a large tent or tents for 2 to 3 persons if enough people request this.

Q. What is the cost?
The cost for each night is 1200 Thai Baht for a shared bungalow, 2200 Thai Baht for a private room. Please plan to pay the full amount to Habibi in cash, upon your arrival.
Other activities, like boat trips, scooter or bike trips or rentals (if available) cost extra.
Please know that we rely on your donations (see donation option in registration form) to support scholarships and subsidized costs for faeries from Asia with limited incomes. The average Thai person earns about 10% of what the average American earns.
Q. Are there ATM machines, or do places take credit cards or travelers cheques?
A. There is one ATM on the island at the 7/11 in Prunai. You can exchange money at the Pharmacy in Prunai. To be safe, be sure to bring all the cash you will need with you. There are ATMs at the Phuket airport. Please plan ahead. Bring cash in Thai Baht to pay for your gathering registration fee, any extra expenses you may have outside of the gathering, shopping, to pay for excursions or motorcycle rentals, snorkeling, etc. Prices are cheap so you won’t need a lot of cash.

Q. What are the accommodations like?
A. There are four bungalows at Activities Resort and 8 hotel rooms (Bussarin) each with a queen-sized mattress. The bungalows are large and we can also put people on mattresses on the floor.
Q. Will I have to share a bed with someone I don’t know?
A. Maybe, maybe not. The bungalows have double beds and single beds. You can ask to be roommates with a particular person in the registration form. You may meet a lifelong friend.
Q. Are meals included?
A. Meals are included in the daily rate and are prepared by the resort staff. We may also decide to visit some inexpensive local restaurants or buy fresh seafood and grill it at the resort.

Q. Are there scholarships available?
A. Please see more information in the gathering announcement and the application form. We will offer scholarships to Asian participants who submit a request for financial support, depending on donations. Please let us know if you are interested in coming, but don’t have enough money for the journey or the gathering. We will do our best to help you get to the gathering. Due to the pandemic our scholarship funds are very limited.
Q. Who is coming to this gathering?
A. There will be about 15-25 gay people from the across Asia, USA, Europe and Australia/New Zealand and who knows where else. Many have attended other faerie gatherings, but for many this is their first experience of faerie culture. Most of us are gay men, but faerie culture is open to all who want to join us.

Q. Who is organizing this?
A. This gathering is organized by Habibi and other faeries who regularly attend this gathering. If you want to help before, during or after the gathering, be in touch. One of the best ways to help is to tell other like-minded people about the gathering.
Q. Should I worry if I have health concerns?
A. This is an isolated island only a small local clinic and limited emergency care (helicopter to Phuket hospitals in an emergency). If you have health problems that could require sudden urgent care, acquiring specialized medications, special dietary needs, etc., be aware that access to sophisticated medical care requires a boat or helicopter to Phuket. Please consult with the organizers if you have any questions regarding health issues.
Q. Will I fall in love?
A. Maybe. Some romances bloom at the gathering, and some people have sex. It is up to you to make these things happen if you want them. The faeries are sex-positive, but this is not a sex party. A gathering is what the participants make it. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet men from very different cultures, and experience them first-hand (so to speak).
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